Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Paris Self Storage located?
Our property address is 1730 Main Street, Paris, KY 40361. We’re just off US Route 68!
How far are you from Lexington, Kentucky?
Roughly 18 miles away, meaning you can reach our property after a 30-minute drive from Lexington. Paris Self Storage is also convenient to Georgetown, Winchester, Cynthiana, Mount Sterling, Carlisle, Millersburg, and other communities in Kentucky.
Is there anyone in the office so I can register for a unit?
This is an automated storage facility with gate control, so there will not be anyone there. However, you can rent the unit through a self-operating kiosk that’s on-site or through our website.
How does your kiosk work?
Our 24-hour onsite kiosk allows you to rent storage units from our facility on your schedule, by selecting the unit that’s right for you, entering your contact and payment information, and getting access to your rental with your own unique gate code. The kiosk can be used to make your monthly payments, too.

Can I make payments online, instead?
Of course, you can! As part of the high-quality services we provide is our online bill pay option, which allows you to reserve more storage units and pay your rent from anywhere with an internet connection.
Do you offer 24-hour access?
Our Unit Access Hours are 7 AM - 9 PM. We do offer 24-hour on-site kiosk access as well as a 24-hour online payment portal.

What is climate-controlled storage?
Climate control is a term used to describe the regulation of air temperature and humidity in an indoor space. While there isn’t an official standard for climate control in the self-storage industry, these storage units use technology to dry the air and keep steady temperature levels throughout the year so as not to damage the most sensitive items.

Do I need climate control?
This may be the most important decision when you’re picking out a self-storage unit. The items you’re storing may be temperature-sensitive, which may require climate control to provide better protection in the long run. If you’re a business, then you should definitely look at climate-controlled storage to protect your valuable assets. Don’t hesitate to ask us for more information.

What is drive-up access?
Drive-up access means you can load and unload your vehicle with ease at any time, by parking it right next to your rental. With a mere couple of steps between the unit and your vehicle, completing your move will be a piece of cake!

How do I get started?
Never fear, as we’re available via phone or online! We’re always ready to help you out with any of your questions, so don’t hesitate to call us or fill out our contact form. We’ll work with you on anything until we find a solution you’re happy with.